So it’s been over a week. Shoot me.

The past few days have been absolutely littered with snow and ice and snow and ice and snow and ice. I have been stuck in the front yard more times than I wish to count. Because of the spinning that my truck has done, my front yard is exceedingly well plowed.

I’m going to be honest. I didn’t realize how much I was going to like that description until it fell out of my mouth.

“Exceedingly well plowed”, indeed.

I’m sitting here at work on my first day back since all the snow crap got started. All of the snow from the mountains has been cleared off of the roads and I’ve been able to take 111 in order to be able to make it here.

In other news, I created a website for Rosie. She had gotten a domain name and we’ve been trying to determine what to do with it when she decided she wanted to blog as well. So I set her up with a WordPress site which took about 3 minutes. The URL for her website is When she has some new content on it, you should go and check it out!


This is my personal blog. My "stream of consciousness" so to speak. This site is not for views save for my own and a few family members. If you have come here looking to start a conversation or join a community, you have come to the wrong place. Facebook is that-a-way. :)

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