I guess, technically speaking, this will be the first real dang post. I’ve been testing the system just to make sure everything goes as planned. So far, so good.

This is the blog attached to my code play space. I only have this domain in order to have some place to play with untested PHP code. I’m planning on writing a series of dang PHP functions that I can “preload” with PHP statements which will let me delegate repetitive tasks to functions.

The beauty of doing this is it will prevent me from having to reinvent the dang wheel every dang time I start a new project. Things like setting up the session and creating the connection with the MySQL database, from geolocation to simple form-building tools, shouldn’t have to be re-coded every dang time a new project starts up.

I had no code pictures, so instead, have another shameless picture of me.


This is my personal blog. My "stream of consciousness" so to speak. This site is not for views save for my own and a few family members. If you have come here looking to start a conversation or join a community, you have come to the wrong place. Facebook is that-a-way. :)

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