Christmas Dinner

Edit 2: Looks like Christmas dinner is Chinese this year. I can’t complain; I enjoy the buffet.

Edit: it looks like I’m not getting anyone for Christmas. Apparently my people never showed up. I’m driving home alone. Which means I drove all the way down to Birmingham for the sightseeing. Yay me.

So here comes another sob story of having to work on the holidays. Actually nobody’s crying about it because this is what I’d rather be doing right now than just about anything else today. As you could tell from the last entry that I put in, I really don’t care much for the holidays.

The weirdest part is I don’t really know exactly when it began? I can remember liking Christmas all right I guess, I don’t remember ever being overtly excited except as a child.

The problem is I don’t know exactly when I started hating it.

The weirdest part is that it’s not just Christmas. It’s the holiday season in general. It starts right about the time we have Halloween. And it just goes downhill from there.

I know I shouldn’t complain; I have a lot to be thankful for and I should simply be happy because of the reason for the season. However, I’m not really sure what happens, but it just seems like my will to do anything just fades away slowly.

I know I’ll get better. It’s bound to happen once the holidays are over and everything goes back to normal.

A huge part of everything going back to normal is doing things that fit within the genre of normal in my life. That includes going to work. When I found out that I had to work on Christmas Day, I wasn’t upset at all. As a matter of fact, I kind of feel good about it. I didn’t want to just sit around the house staring at the corners and the walls and finding other reasons to not like that particular day. Better that I get out of the house and get something productive done than to just sit around and do nothing. And that’s exactly what I would have done had been at home.

Well no more sob story for me. I’m sitting here in Birmingham Alabama waiting for a crew to come get in the van so that I can take them back to Chattanooga. Nothing but fun!


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