It’s a little early but happy new year everyone! As I compose this particular blog post, I am currently rolling up the road coming from Birmingham, Alabama, heading back to Chattanooga, Tennessee.

I know I’m a little early; where I am right now I’m in Central Time but I’m coming back to Eastern soon. By the time I get back into Chattanooga, it should be getting near midnight. Now, my celebrating may be a little premature. Nobody is promised tomorrow. However, with all things considered, the odds are stacked greatly in my favor to be able to see 2024.

If I get back to Chattanooga just before midnight, that gives me a little over an hour to get back across the mountain and get to Roseanna before midnight. And after all of the years that we have been married, I have never missed a new year’s day kiss from her. On January the 17th, we will have been married 34 years. That’s a lot of kisses.

The only thing that could really spoil my plans is if work calls me before I make it back to Chattanooga to give me another run. I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen. I’d like for tonight to be a slow night like all the other nights have been. That way I can get back across the mountain and continue my tradition.

Well that’s all for right now. I’ll update this particular post once I have more information to give you.

Update 1: I made it home at 11:30 ct. It’s all over except for the kissing now!!


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